Archive | Getting More Done

This is GTD version 2 or GTD on steroids. If you have your act together, this is for you.

EverNote templates

Once you get to know EverNote, you will start to have customized requirements. Many notes as in meetings, reports and quick info captures has the same format and content. Having a template saves lots of time. Unfortunately, EverNote doesn’t have a template feature yet. Here is a short tutorial on how to work around this […]

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Power of Storytelling in technical training

Telling stories during technical training made all the difference! I worked as a IT-instructor within programming and internet security for many years for different international companies. Got a lot of good feedback on both the training material and my own performance. We used the exact same material and my colleagues didn’t have the same success […]

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Evernote as the best GTD tool

There are two subjects when it comes to becoming successful with GTD (Getting Things Done). Trusted tools Discipline Often people try to overcome the lack of discipline with tools. It is very easy to look for new to-do, list handler and action list applications. Now that there are more devices, you end up looking for […]

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Step 3/7, Resourceful State

Any change in life requires energy, motivation and discipline! Change is hard; regardless to the better or to the worse, changing one state to another requires always energy and discipline. Simple physics really! In order to really make the change and keep the change as your “normal” state you have to work very hard. One ingredient short of […]

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To-do or NOT to-do, that is the question!

I am a dedicated GTD (Getting Things Done) person. Recently I have started to work with something I call GMD (Getting More Done). See earlier blogs on GTD and setting the right goals. Recently I have been working with helping people creating and maintaining relevant and achievable to-do lists. It has become more and more apparent to […]

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Introduction to GMD blog series

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series of blogs, take a quick look before reading on. Here is the outline of the coming blogs, Introduction to Getting Things Done with references to some really good sites. Most of all you will get a sales managers view of things with real life examples. I […]

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GTD is done, now what?

Well, I guess you are already familiar with David Allens book Getting things done [] . It is a great book and if you haven’t read it or listened to the audiobook[], you should. In few words, David teaches how to use simple tricks to organize your life and keep it organized. If you don’t […]

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