Archive | Social Media

LinkedIn features for super users

80% of the linkeIn users are happy with their profile page and their LinkedIn home page. However, there are lots more to LinkedIn then that. Which version should you get? There are 4 different versions of LinkedIn. The free version and the rest you have to pay for. They all come in a subscription version. Most […]

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When, Why and How people share information!

There is a fundamental difference between the different social media and how they are used. Not how they are supposed or designed to be used, but how evolution has formed them. When analyzing the different media, it is clear how people in different circles choose to use the media. For example, at facebook, you pretend people are […]

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Focus on Social-Media Meta-business

Delivering is key. You set a goal as increasing your customer base, your sales numbers or your margins. You use the tools available to you and achieve your goals. Now, in Social Media discussions and sociaty, there is a large amount of discussions and talk about the Socail Media it self. Not the goals, the […]

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Who is a senior social media expert?

I have read lots of different blogs about individuals and also larger companies where they title themselves as senior in social media. Not “product marketing”, nor “brand management”, only everything “social media”. I find this fascinating! So I started to do some research on a number of companies and individuals promoting or selling social media services. Doing […]

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