Author Archive | Shahram

Confession of a public speaker by Scott Berkun

If you are a public speaker or do a lot of presentations this book is really good resource. Scott Berkun writes in a very accessible way. The book is a mix of advise, experience and general information that is presented in a interesting way. The combination of techniques and real-life experience makes the chapters fun […]

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Introduction to GMD blog series

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series of blogs, take a quick look before reading on. Here is the outline of the coming blogs, Introduction to Getting Things Done with references to some really good sites. Most of all you will get a sales managers view of things with real life examples. I […]

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GTD is done, now what?

Well, I guess you are already familiar with David Allens book Getting things done [] . It is a great book and if you haven’t read it or listened to the audiobook[], you should. In few words, David teaches how to use simple tricks to organize your life and keep it organized. If you don’t […]

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