How to get less blog readers, technical tricks!

This is the second blog about the different mistakes you can make as a blogger. Just a list of mistakes I personally did! At least don’t make the same mistakes I did. Make your own mistakes! 🙂

Once you get things going, here are some technical tricks you can use to keep your blogs up and get people to enjoy your site and blogs.

Here is the list of DON’Ts.

Have no about/contact page:

Have a good “about” page and a “contact” page. Provide interesting information. Helps if you actually are an interesting person!

Have dead-end design:

Beginners often choose a template with no sharing or commenting feature. People like to share and interact. With a few clicks, you can make easy for visitors to share a link to your post into their social network, their blog, or through email.
If you are a WordPress users there are number of really good free widgets for sharing.
Same goes for using e-mail. Email is often forgotten as a Social Media tool. Again WordPress has built-in functions as well as other widgets for subscribing via email.

Don’t comment or interact with other bloggers:

Linking to other blogs and bloggers, mentioning other people via their twitter account etc. It all connects you to others. These connections will generate more traffic to you. You never know, you might find really good friends this way as well.

Have a sloooow site:

I started out great. For some reason my site was very slow. Few complained, many just never came back. If you are running your own server. Make sure that you have other people testing your site for performance. If you are a WordPress user, there are performance widgets for pre-compiling you pages etc.

Over-crowed your site with everything you can find.

When you find how easy it is to extend wordpress you will be caught up with lots of fun widgets. Stop your self from adding too much stuff. People want to read your blogs. Don’t add pop-ups, moving things, animations, sound etc etc. Provide content and value!

Leave comments and share some of your tricks! As I was saving this blog, I found this blog by Kristi Hines.

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One Response to How to get less blog readers, technical tricks!

  1. Dane Findley September 23, 2011 at 21:48 #

    I’m guessing that the most often perpetrated of these mistakes is: not engaging with other bloggers. Even today, almost 3 years of full-time blogging later, I still catch myself reading others’ blogs, but forgetting to leave a comment! D’oh! I try to remember: after you read *anything* good online — share it and/or comment on it! Thanks, Shahram!

    twitter = @danenow

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